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Spy Life

Overcoming imposter syndrome

In this workshop I’ll explain the difference between art and craft and why it matters for how we approach and think about our work as writers. Then I’ll explain the bear analogy and and we’ll do two exercises aimed at helping participants feel empowered and equipped to establish a regular writing routine.

January 11 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)


Living with Bears

How Busy People Find Time to Write

In this workshop I’ll explain the difference between art and craft and why it matters for how we approach and think about our work as writers. Then I’ll explain the bear analogy and and we’ll do two exercises aimed at helping participants feel empowered and equipped to establish a regular writing routine.

January 18 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)


Feast Mode

Embracing Writing as Ritual

The goal of this workshop is to help participants move from engaging their writing practice as an act of top-down self discipline to engaging their writing practice as ritual and (eventually) habit. In this workshop we’ll discuss the 3 shortcuts to writing-as-habit and set intentions as a group.

January 25 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)


The Doldrums

Navigating the Mid-Project Slog

This workshop starts with a 5 minute quick write to shake off the stagnation. Then I’ll dive into 6 bossy little tips for maintaining motivation in the doldrums. Then we’ll wrap up with another 5 minute quick write intended to help participants envision the horizon. Come get un-stuck and have fun while doing it!

February 1 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)



Why Writers Struggle to Finish Projects

This workshop is open to all creatives and makers, not just writers. It’s for anyone who has struggled to finish projects that are almost done, including projects that have been almost done for a very long time. We’ll discuss the role of grief in the creative process and some of the common post-completion fears.

February 8 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)


Burn After Writing

a Ritual for Anxious Writers

This is a ritual for writers who suffer from post-submission anxiety. Finishing a project should feel good! So why do we toss and turn all night thinking of that one word we wish we could change? This is the most unorthodox of my workshops but I’ve been doing it myself for years and it works. Come prepared to play with fire!

February 15 | 7:00-8:30pm PST
Online (via zoom)
